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Early Childhood Attendance: 970-490-3336

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Enrichment Clubs

Timnath After-School Enrichment

Enrichment Clubs are open to all interested students at the participating grade levels.  Please contact the school office for more information about current offerings and fees.  From year to year, we offer different clubs that have included the following:

  • Science Matters - Facilitated by an outside vendor - Click here for more information
  • LEGO Club - Facilitated by Timnath staff - LEGO design and problem solving
  • Running Club - Facilitated by Timnath staff - Running laps around our west playground to build fitness and have fun
  • Winter Activity Club - Facilitated by Timnath staff - Indoor sports activities in our gym to exercise during winter months
  • Choir - Facilitated by Timnath staff - Enrichment singing beyond songs learned during music class, and extra performance opportunities
  • Modern Band and Guitar Club - Facilitated by Timnath staff - Practice with instruments beyond what is learned during music class
  • Art Club - Facilitated by Timnath staff - Enrichment art projects beyond what is learned during art class
  • Chess Club - Facilitated by an outside vendor - Vendors have changed from year to year, but the focus is on learning the game of chess along with chess strategies

We also participate in the following District events:

  • Spelling Bee
  • Writing contests
  • Wellness activities
  • District Track Meet
  • Art Fairs and Shows
  • Honor Choir
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