Early Childhood Attendance: 970-490-3336

10-16-20 Family Update

Important Dates:

September 28th-October 30th: Virtual parent/teacher conferences

October 15th and 16th: NO SCHOOL

October 19th: All K-5th grade students in the Phase 3 (Hybrid Learning Model using the A/B schedule)

October 30th: Virtual Halloween – Students may choose to wear a costume at home during the class meeting

November 4th & 5th: Picture Day for Individual Pictures


Weekly Slideshow of Hybrid Learning:

Please share this slideshow of hybrid learning pictures and student birthdays with your child(ren).


Health Protocols (We need your help with this each morning before school):

  • Students will not be screened upon entry into school, so families must check their student(s) for COVID-19 symptoms daily and not send them to school if they have a fever of more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or have other symptoms of illness. This and other protocols are kept current on PSD’s Health and Safety web page.
  • What happens if isolation or quarantine are needed?: Protocols for Students



  • 3rd-5th grade families, please watch this Arrival Video for a description of how arrival will work.
  • Students should arrive between 7:25-7:44am, and school starts at 7:45am.
  • You may use the drop-off lane in the north lot, or you may choose to park in the north lot, east lot, or on Main Street to walk your child to the sidewalk surrounding our school on the north or east side.
  • When using the drop-off lane in the north lot, please remember to:
    • Pull all the way forward in the lane before stopping
    • Come to a complete stop before you allow your child to begin exiting the vehicle
    • Remain in your vehicle while your child exits (a staff member can help with the door and backpacks)



  • In order to avoid a massive back-up of cars on Main Street at dismissal, we are asking parents to arrive in the staggered windows of time provided below.
  • Parents of students in grades EC-2nd should arrive between 2:13-2:23pm, and parents of students in grades 3rd-5th should arrive between 2:23-2:33pm. If you have children that fall in the EC-2nd grade range and the 3rd-5th grade range, you may arrive during either pick-up window because we will have all grades lined up by 2:13pm.
  • Parents can use the pick-up lane in the north lot or the bus lane on the east side starting at 2:13pm. Parking map with arrows.jpg 
  • Please continue to pull all the way forward as the line moves so we can help cars get off Main Street and into our lots.
  • Please remain in your vehicle. Our staff will help your child into the car if needed.
  • Please either put a sign in your window with your child’s name and the teacher’s name, or be prepared to roll down the passenger window to provide that information to our staff.


Hybrid Schedule for K-5 Starting October 19th:


Learning Location

Arrival Time for In-Person Learning

Dismissal Time for In-Person Learning


A-Group at school

B-Group at home

7:25-7:44am (school starts at 7:45am)

2:13-2:23pm for grades EC-2nd

2:23-2:33pm for grades 3rd-5th


B-Group at school

A-Group at home

7:25-7:44am (school starts at 7:45am)

2:13-2:23pm for grades EC-2nd

2:23-2:33pm for grades 3rd-5th


A-Group at school

B-Group at home

7:25-7:44am (school starts at 7:45am)

2:13-2:23pm for grades EC-2nd

2:23-2:33pm for grades 3rd-5th


B-Group at school

A-Group at home

7:25-7:44am (school starts at 7:45am)

2:13-2:23pm for grades EC-2nd

2:23-2:33pm for grades 3rd-5th


A & B Groups at home

Online morning meeting, followed by asynchronous learning at home

  • Please click here to read more from PSD about what Phase 3 learning will look like.
  • Please click here to see a short PSD video about the return to school and some of the new health/safety expectations.


What Kids Need When Returning to School:

  • Mask: Every student and staff member must wear a cloth face covering each day (this includes on the school bus and while on school property, except for designated mask breaks, eating times, or while taking a drink).
  • Cloth face coverings should:
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Cover the nose and mouth
  • Be clean and in good repair
  • Include multiple layers of fabric, and allow for breathing without restriction
  • Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
  • Be laundered on a daily basis
  •   Cloth face coverings should not:
    • Have anything hanging off the facial covering that would create a safety hazard
    • Have holes or tears
    • Be shared with others
  • Water Bottle: Drinking fountains are closed, but water bottle filling stations and sinks can be used. Please send your child with a water bottle labeled with your child’s name that he/she can open and close independently, if possible.
  • Headphones: Students need to bring their own headphones to the computer lab for tech class so we can avoid sharing headphones.
  • Backpack and School Supplies: Click here for the supply lists.



  • All breakfast and lunch meals are free for children 18 and under due to the current USDA waiver.
  • However, second helpings of food are not an option during this free meal program. Many of the entrée options offered are larger or double the portion normally served for elementary students since a K-12 menu is being used.
  • If your child is finding the meals provided at school are not enough to satisfy their hunger, please send additional snacks with your child to supplement the food provided.
  • Here is a link to the menu.




Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Up:

  • Please click here to sign up for a Parent/Teacher Conference.


Childcare Options with AlphaBest:

Click here for information about childcare options. Before-school care at Timnath will be provided from 7am to the morning bell. After-school care at Timnath will be provided from the dismissal bell to 5:30pm. A full-day care option is available at Bethke Elementary.


Further Details About In-Person Learning Communicated 10/2:

For further details about procedures for late arrival or early dismissal, see the 10-2-20 Family Update.docx 


Office Contact Information:

Main Office: 970-488-6825

  • Jill Barela - Principal


  • Ann Longacre - Assistant Principal


  • Marjorie Fallon - Office Manager


  • Kelsie Churchill – Secretary/Registrar



PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.